sonia bergamasco


Performance by and with Sonia Bergamasco

Performed in Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna - June 2011



(dal latino “discursus”, participio passato di “discurrere” = “correre di qua e di là”, onde poi il senso figurato di “trascorrere con le parole da una cosa all’altra”)


Su richiesta di Ermanna Montanari, splendida direttrice dell’Edizione 41 del Festival, ho il piacere di presentare al pubblico questo Discorso espressamente ideato per la Sala consigliare del Comune di Sant’Arcangelo.
Si tratta di un intervento della durata complessiva di un quarto d’ora circa, che auspica una partecipazione diretta e spontanea dei convenuti – senza limiti di età – con il proposito di condividere con l’uditorio un messaggio che vada al di là dei contenuti specifici.
Tutta la polis è invitata a partecipare.




by and with Sonia Bergamasco
Prod. Sonia Bergamasco, Rome
Festival Santarcangelo 41 (Rimini)


A blonde with cool charm, the figure of a mannequin and an iridescent voice trained in both singing and acting (with Carmelo Bene, tutelary diety), Sonia Bergamasco had the intelligence to use the word as a powerful, benign or subtly treacherous weapon when addressing the community gathered in the Municipal Council Hall.
Humanity is experiencing various emergencies, including (especially in Italy) those regarding the state of culture and the arts. Sonia Bergamasco “entertains” us on this issue in the guise of an (im)probable alderwoman. A virtuoso of hilarity, she laughs in embarrassment with startling vocal variations. Then she plays with several key-words (for example, emergency, culture, occupation), using free associations and slippery meanings. A common cultural heritage, such as water, the referendums for its privatization, the cultural thirst of citizens, occupation that is not just work but also the live-in at Teatro Valle in Rome. To wrap up with a series of trills on the hymn by Mameli. Funny, intelligent, wicked and, created ad hoc for the festival, Discorso is a sort of post-futurist sneer at the inconclusive blather uttered by so many in defense of culture. Not a humanity to be thankful for.


Claudia Cannella – Hystrio no 4 2011